Bringing Spirituality to individuals
in a practical way
"I walk beside you as a friend, a teacher, a coach, a mentor and a holistic therapeutic practitioner, supporting and empowering you on your journey 2 heal"
Journey 2 Heal - Practical Spirituality
Your Spiritual guide and teacher
Living through practical spirituality is the ability to be present and grounded enough, throughout the day, and being able to view all your experiences and interactions with curious enquiry. It is a Divine Knowing that you have the choice of reaction versus response every single time.
When we are Quietly, Reverently and Mindfully present to our everyday life we understand that we are never separate from Divine Grace or our Inner Wisdom.
Golda Deeks
Journey 2 Heal
My goal and passion is to make practical spirituality more accessible to a wider audience. I am a holistic therapist with clairsentient gifts and have been on my own journey of discovery and growth towards wholeness.
I believe that most of the mental and emotional noise that humanity is collectively experiencing at present is as a result of having disconnected from our inner compass, or by another name, our Inner Light.
When we start grounding ourselves and practice simple, mindfulness techniques routinely we are able to remain focussed more easily and awaken awareness within our experiences.
When we free ourselves from a reactional life, we then create a more sustainable balance within ourselves that is reflected outwards into our physical life as well.
Grounding & Empowering
"Golda is a Holistic Practitioner, offering various Therapies & Readings with the purpose of unlocking each person's inner wisdom that will provide the answers to their questions, create healing on all levels and living in holistic awareness of who they are"